World English Thesaurus

Palm Pilot
Productivity and Business


World English Thesaurus for Palm features an extensive database of headwords and vocabularies. Pack with useful features such as bookmarks and history to name a few. Features a very User-Friendly Interface. Features an adult word/definition content filter.( UPDATED! ) Features a word of the day functionality.( NEW! ) Has a very fast definition lookup.( UPDATED! ) Features an Auto-Scrolling Customization Functionality.( UPDATED! ) Enhanced with multi-word selection combined with hyperlink features for faster word-definition lookup. Enhanced for PALMOS 5.x support. Supports multi-font selection. (FONTBUCKET must be installed). Supports colored and non-colored devices Supports high resolution devices as well as non-high resolution devices. Optimized for fast searching. Supports highlighting of word(s) for copying Favorite word(s) or phrase(s). Features saving bookmarked definitions. Features History memory saving of up to 100 head-words. Features a color selection for your Title Text or Vocabularies Text to better suit your needs. Features various copy functionalities: Copy by selection (word(s)/phrase(s) highlighting or multi-selection of word(s)) and/or copy entire definition. Supports PALM Memory Cards: SD/CF memory card, Sony memory stick and other various VFS compatible devices


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