Administrator mange chrome in title

Unlock Administrator software

Administrative program that allows you to specify which users can access a locked Windows workstation. For added security, unlocking attempts can be...

Task Administrator

Alexey Kurilov

Remote process monitor with Alert function and advanced process analyse. Allow lookup remote computer process list, realtime data filter. Enable 4...

Car Race Timing software for timing of racing events of all types. Can time up to 36 cars on the track at once. Extremely user friendly with context...

Administrator Professional is a complete project management tool that consolidates all areas of a plan. Divide information into related sections and...

Internet cafe administrator is complete application program designed and written for use in internet cafe. It enables very professional and very...

Administrator mange chrome in description


Soho Solutions

WEB-based Technology Accessible from virtually any place connected to Internet, no additional installation required. File and Document...

database(Oracle,SYBASESuper db transformer for many type database(Oracle,SYBASE supports database Oracle, SYBASE, DB2, Access...

Text Log Monitor

Corner Bowl Software

Text Log Monitor (TLM) provides Systems Administrators the ability to monitor and filter local or remote text log files as well as alert all in...

Does your organization manage time efficiently? Do you know who is absent today? How long does it take you to calculate leave entitlements for your...

Landlord Enterprise Edition

Provericon Software Development Ltd.

Landlord will enable you to manage every tenant, and every suite in your apartment, condo building, or property units. You will be able to track...

Nucleus Kernel Access is a advance easy to use access file repair software for corrupt [.mdb] files. Software uses QFSCI technology to repair corrupt...

Instan-t IM Server

Interactive Networks Inc.

Instan-t IM Server 4.0 is an Instant Messaging platform that allows you to set-up a secure private IM network, and optionally interoperate with all...

Purpose: OutlookDisclaimer is a tool to automatically format and brand outgoing email. You don't need Exchange or any other mail server to add...

Archive Power SB

Archive Power Systems, Inc.

Affordable document management designed for the smallbusiness. This single user version of Archive Power gives users the ability to create multiple...

Adware Spyware Be Gone

Admin Adware Spyware Be Gone

Adware Spyware Be Gone offers a Free Download. Try it for FREE. Scan your system for adware, spyware, keyloggers, and malware products. Adware...


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