Wallpaper Master

Shell and Desktop
Desktop Randomizers and Changers


A highly customizable and easy to use wallpaper changer and manager. It will automatically change your background wallpaper depending on a wide variety of options, and is great for indexing large collections. Main Features: -Store multiple wallpaper lists in separate categories. -The ability to rate wallpaper, so better ones are chosen more often. -Minimises to tray area for easy access. -Scan whole directories or drives for wallpaper files. -Drag & drop files or directories to easily add wallpaper. -Auto change the wallpaper when windows starts, every x minutes, or use ratings to choose an interval. -Change wallpaper in order, in shuffle mode, or change randomly according to rating. -Wallpaper can automatically be tiled ,centered or resized to full screen. -Supports jpg and bmp formats. -Simple but powerful interface. -Wallpaper Master is a free download (freeware)! And many other useful features that give you total control over your desktop wallpaper.

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