Best way to manage your files located at Send To, Quick Launch and your Desktop . With AgsPro EasyCut you can : 1. Add New Short Cut: To add new short cut first you must select location : You can select location by checking one of the boxes on your form (Send To, Quick Launch or Desktop ) or you can just use the main menu's SELECT section . After you choose the location click on to ADD NEW button . You must select a file for short cut and on the second box you must name the selected file. You may also describe and add new icon for your selected file. But if you don't want to you don't have to fill Description and Icon of the file boxes. Description box useful for mouse over action of the selected file's icon . On the icon of the file box you must select .ico extension files. 2. Delete Selected Files: To delete shortcut files you want to, first check the box on left of the application name then click on Delete Checked button. A warning will appear with the names of the application names you checked . If you confirm the names click on yes. 3. Get Information About Selected Files: To get information about selected file, simply double click on application name. New window will appear with the information about selected application name. This may take few seconds depends on computers speed. To make information text larger or smaller click on (+) , (-) buttons on bottom of the form. You can also save the information by using SAVE button . Full File location address will be displayed on top of the form , if you like to open the application please use Open button or just click on address . 4. Save Application List of selected location: To save Application list , click on Save button located on the bottom of the main window. List of the application on one of selected locations (Send To, Quick Launch or Desktop) will be save on your desktop. Saved list information will be txt format.