Disk space manager

File Splitting Utilities


Modern hard drives are tens and hundreds of gigabytes of disk space size. The huge nonflexible unhandy system which is practically impossible to supervise manually. It was impossible. Until a new disk space manager from Moleskinsoft – Directory Size - hasn’t appeared. What does the disk space manager offer? Firstly, convenient interface created in the form of four interconnected windows. Using these windows you can choose a directory for the analysis (or all disk), look through directory structure to carry out the comparative analysis of the structural elements to receive detailed data about each element in the directory (files and folders). Secondly, the set of additional possibilities which facilitate interaction with the program and simplify the analysis. For example, disk space usage visualization – graphic representation of disk space distribution in the directory. Or the keeping of the analysis results in a special file (TXT, SCV or HTML) to which it is always possible to return if it’s necessary. Thirdly, the effective analysis and disk space management. The program is multifunctional, stable in work, and this allows receiving the necessary information in some seconds. Evident data presentation will allow combining such uneasy process as the analysis and disk space management and simplicity and convenience of work. Fourthly, easy and user-friendly interface (including for the beginners). There are no “heavy” tool panels and not-clear commands. All is as much as possible clearly and intuitively. Having started one process you’ll always know what process becomes the following one. Choosing Directory Size for disk space management you choose convenience and efficiency.

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