
Time and Clock Tools
  • Developer: GeoSoft Development Group, Inc.
  • Home page: www.geosoft.cc
  • License type: Commercial
  • Size: 5.56 MB
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TimeNode synchronizes your PC’s time with atomic and time standards clocks over the Internet. TimeNode can also act as a Time Server to participate in time distribution scheme over your local network or to create you own Internet Time Server. TimeNode resides on you system tray to quietly and faithfully keep your computers time in up to the second while keeping logs and statistics of time synchronization attempts. TimeNode v2.0 has many new features and improvements such as Context Sensitive Help, Internet connection detection for dial-up users, Time Sync filtering for improved accuracy, Automatic program updates, COM based API for programmatic control and Improved logging of successful and un-successful synchronization attempts including statistics to better aid in selection of the best time server for your needs.

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