Theme powerpoint data mining in title


Cory Rauch

DataQuip is multi-user sales and inventory management system for the Windows platform. It features the ability to manage invoices, purchases...

database(Oracle,SYBASESuper db transformer for many type database(Oracle,SYBASE supports database Oracle, SYBASE, DB2, Access...

Quick Recovery Sun Solaris Intel is a do-it- yourself, non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI ...

Quick Recovery RAID 0 is a do-it- yourself, non-destructive, simple and easy to use Raid data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA...

hed.dress is intended for professional use. Addresses can be found quickly, even while speaking on the phone. By writing reports you can track...

Theme powerpoint data mining in description


Paul Gerhart

QuickChart lets you quickly view, navigateand print financial data stored in theMetaStock / CompuTrac data format. Crispcharts are presented with...

Page Extractor is a professional data tool mining. The software extracts Email Addresses, Page Links, Image Paths, IP Addresses, Fax Numbers and...


Malwareguard is a program that eliminates all adwares, spywares, viruses, Dialers, and hijackers that might exist on your PC. Malwareguard is a...


Malwareguard is a program that eliminates all adwares, spywares, viruses, Dialers, and hijackers that might exist on your PC. Malwareguard is a...

Clusterizer. NeuroXNeuroXL Package is a neural network add-in for Microsoft Excel. It consists of Predictor and Clusterizer. NeuroX Predictor is a neural network...



Using WebPipe you can download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, FTP, HTTPS, MMS and RTSP sites for data mining with TextPipe Pro. Extract...

Domain Miner

Byte Fusion Corporation

A data mining tool for internet domain names. It automates the process of finding a domain name by presenting you with a list of choices from an ever...

Religious themed PowerPoint templates and backgrounds. Includes religion related graphics, and presentation slides for religion related topics....

MUNAX includes technologies like: Distribution and massive parallelism, Encryption, Redundancy and fail- over. It also includes new technologies...

The Regular Expressions for MS SQL Server is a set of T-SQL User Defined Functions (UDF) that gives users full power to manipulate string data in SQL...


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