New year wishes ppt file 2012 in title

Have you ever tried to locate an important document, searched for it everywhere and still cannot find it? If you want an organized and orderly...

Nucleus Kernel Access is a advance easy to use access file repair software for corrupt [.mdb] files. Software uses QFSCI technology to repair corrupt...

Standard script host (wscript.exe) does not contain the possibilities for making GUI. You can add the new script host machine. You get the more power...

The Chinese Lunar Calendar is a yearly one, with the start of the lunar year being based on the cycles of the moon. Therefore, because of this...

COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! 2005 is the Year of the CHICKEN! The ALTools Lunar New Year Desktop Wallpaper is the 4th in the ALTools Desktop Wallpaper series....

New year wishes ppt file 2012 in description


The Calendar-Calculator is a calendar which calculates a number of week-days and holidays between two input dates. Our new Calcal 1.6 version allows...


The Calendar-Calculator is a calendar which calculates a number of week-days and holidays between two input dates. Our new Calcal 1.6 version allows...

RSM used by most Software firms from Sun to Microsoft in 33 Countries on over 30 States of the US. Matured by it's 6 years of use, RSM provides...


fCoder Group, Inc.

MyViewpad is a new image viewer that can be used both as a stand alone application and as a Total Commander plugin. - Why users should use this...

Greeting Card Zoom

Greeting Card Zoom is a software to design lovely personalized greeting cards in a matter of minutes and print or email them right-away. It is can...

ArtixMedia Menu Studio [Christmas Edition] is multimedia CD creation tool, with a wide variety of options intended for special CD-gifts making. Using...

"over-reported&quJust 10 extra minutes of "over-reported&qu time each day from a single employee can add up to an extra week (43.3 hours) of pay! And, in...

Belltech Greeting Card Designer helps you design personalized greeting cards and print or email them. It is a professional quality greeting card...

Catbowl 2006 Personal Bowling Statkeeper

Revolutions Bowling Software

Catbowl Started in 1990 when myself and my youngest brother wrote the first tracking program for bowling scores. We released it then through AOL as...

Powerpoint Recovery

Data Recovery

Kernel for PowerPoint Repair fixes the corrupt PowerPoint files that are badly affected and damaged. The user has to browse the corrupt presentation...


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