Mature africa pics in title

African Geography Tutor

AHA! Software Inc.

Want to brush up on the names and locations of the 50 or so countries of modern Africa? This program will help you. African Geography Tutor presents...

Browning African Safari

Oquirrh Productions

The Browning African Safari: Who's Hunting Who TM is the first African hunting game on the market. You will be able to view a full 360-degree...



Incorporate your images into one password protected image viewer, slide show or a screen saver. Images are stored in the generated viewer or screen...


Claude Schmidhuber

An easy to use program to sort pictures. (JPG, GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA, ICO, WMF,) You can predefine up to 98 different destination paths to which you can...



You may downloads hundreds of files from the Internet,or you may have taken pictures whith a digital camera. After a while, it gets nearly impossible...

Mature africa pics in description

Paradigm Lingua


Award-winning word processor and translator for English, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Efik, Kalabari, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swahili and a...

A Bio-Technology experiment has gone terribly wrong,and the island on which it was conducted is now ruledby killer wasps. Defend yourself from the...

Lovers Ecstasy

Thomas Lake

A romantic activity game for anyone wanting to enhance or put that spark back into your love life. There are over 1,000 pleasures included in the...



Mancala is a general name which applies to a group of very old Asian and African games in which stones or seeds were moved from cups on a game board...

Max, The Awari Player

Bernd Liebermann

Plays the ancient african strategy board game Awari, also called Awale or Oware. It has got a user-friendly interface, and its playing strength is...

3DRT Dominos

Patrice Duhamel

3D Dominoes presents this game in its purest tradition. It can be played solo against the computer and with two players. Originally, Dominoes were...

#1 Puzzle Poker

Team GreatJackpot

This is a classic Video Poker game combinated with BIKINI GIRLS puzzle part. The rules are easy: If you win, get a part of pics, if you loose...

Creature Coloring Kit

Little Bits Multimedia

Coloring fun on and off the computer. Create and design your own scenes using graphic libraries and creature stamps.Use the dinosaurs, bears, African...


CWM Solutions

We developed this software package using maps and multiple choice questions to teach and grade users. There are a total of 16 Trivia series. The...



Software with wheels for lotteries 6/49. These wheels permit to optimize the play. These systems permits to play the numbers selected by the user...


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