John person nurse rapidshare in title

Personal Budgeting 2000

Michael Murphy

A fully automated software product that tracks all of your monthly expenses and compares them to the amount you budgeted. It comes complete with...

The Knowledge Editor enables you to create, customise and modify your own knowledge bases, building your strategic knowledge assets. You use the...

Sauver Personal Backup

InnerSystem Software Ltd

Sauver Personal Edition Backup is true "Set and Forget" backup. Define any number of full, incremental, or differential backups, with a...

Personal Knowledge Base

Solution Factory

Stores Web pages, images, documents, notes, and much more in your own Knowledge Base (a 'knowledge base' is a database filled with...

Paragon CD-ROM Emulator (Personal)

Paragon Technologie GMBH

Is your PC surrounded by piles of CDs and DVDs? If so, then Paragon CD-ROM Emulator will help to reduce the clutter. In just a couple of mouse...

John person nurse rapidshare in description

CyberMatrix Pro Schedule

CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc.

CyberMatrix Pro Sched is an easy to use single or multi-user application for scheduling appointments. Appointment data can be accessed throughout...

Use this application to create discussion mailing lists, simple auto-responders or advanced incoming mail processing/filtering. Comes with easy...

Based on a popular word game, WordHide will hide alist of words in a square of random letters for you tofind! Create your own personal word lists...

According to independent studies, Microsoft Outlook Express is one of the most popular e-mail clients currently used. This simplified free version of...

RCL Music Ministry

RCL Software

The RCL Music Ministry program was inspired by First Baptist Church of Oneida, Oneida, Tennessee. This program was designed with the guidance of...

WebCam Looker


WebCam Looker - is easy to use and powerful video surveillance system for monitoring and broadcasting images of your home/office to internet or...

Add Contacts

MAPILab Ltd.

Add Contacts automatically adds e-mail addresses to the contacts folder when you reply to a message and/or send a new message. This will help you...

FollowUpXpert Standard

Xtreeme GmbH

Simple autoresponder software. No banners and no monthly fees. Use it to create both simple "I'm out. Can also send newsletters and bulk...

Atomic List Manager

AtomPark Software

E-mail marketers know that fresh “quality” mailing lists are the key to success of any campaign. While there are some good and few...

According to independent studies, Microsoft Outlook Express is one of the most popular e-mail clients currently used. This simplified free version of...


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