
Web Authoring
Misc Web Authoring Tools


FusionCharts is a flash charting component that can be used to render data-driven & animated charts for your web applications and presentations. Made in Adobe Flash 8 (formerly Macromedia Flash), FusionCharts can be used with any web scripting language like HTML, .NET, ASP, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails etc., to deliver interactive and powerful flash charts. Even if you're a static HTML user or a PowerPoint user, you can use FusionCharts to deliver powerful flash graphs for your websites & presentations. Using XML as its data interface, FusionCharts makes full use of fluid beauty of Flash to create compact, interactive and visually-arresting charts. Advantages of using FusionCharts: - Animated and interactive Charts Using FusionCharts, you can quickly and easily render animated charts that have a lot of interactive options for the end users. - Easy yet powerful AJAX/JavaScript integration FusionCharts offers advanced options to integrate charts with AJAX applications or JavaScript modules. You can update charts on client side, invoke JavaScript functions as hotspot links, or make dynamic calls for XML data to server without involving any page refreshes. - No installation hassles To use FusionCharts, you do not have to install anything on your server. - Easy to use - Runs on a variety of platforms Irrespective of what server side scripting language you're using, FusionCharts can be used to create charts in that. - Reduces load on your servers - A plethora of chart types FusionCharts v3 offers you a plethora of chart types. From the basic bar, column, line, pie etc. to the advanced combination charts, you can build all the charts with the same ease of use. - Clear licensing policies FusionCharts offers you a clear cut no-nonsense licensing model. We do NOT charge for per-testing server or per-production server.

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