Free partition repair utility is helpful to restore any data or files that found to be corrupted or defective due to virus attack on user personal mass storage media device. Free partition repair technique is capable to retrieve unreadable images, pictures and wallpapers from FAT hard drive due to sudden power failure while using it. provides a simplified opportunity to regain and revive lost audios and sounds clips from virus affected external FAT hard disk. Free partition repair software provides recovery of deleted files due to unsecure human activities on various types of FAT file system of hard disk and etc. Free partition repair program is capable to get back misplaced files and folders while performing cut copy past operation over your memory card, pen drive or external drives in unsecure way. Free partition repair tool is helpful to provide much better GUI which helps new user to learn how to recover their deleted or lost files from defected or crashed media devices. Free partition repair utility is capable for remanufacturing back unreadable multimedia files from logically corrupted hard drives with latest and innovative technology. Features: *Free partition repair software is used to bring back corrupted text files from any type of FAT hard drive due to virus attack. *Free partition repair application is capable to restore down any type of image files such as jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tiff and png formats in reliable manner. *Free partition repair program is used for remanufacturing text documents and multimedia files from inaccessible hard disks of FAT file system. *Free partition tool is able to provide depth scanning to list out corrupted or unreadable files from any external device in efficient and effective way.