Anime Girls Screensaver

Shell and Desktop
Anime Screen Savers


Anime Girls Screensaver is a unique screensaver that will bring the Hottest Anime Girl to your computer screen. You can: * Change the seconds of the image duration. * Change the item order to Sequential, Random or Shuffle. * Resize the images to Fit Screen, Resize to Fill Screen, Stretch, etc. * Add/Remove the transitions effects and the speed. * Use your own playlist. * Control the Exit Conditions, on Mouse move, Mouse Button Click, Keyboard Button, ESC Button. * Hide/Show the clock. *** Up to 70 Anime Girls High Quality Images (HQ). *** Multi Monitor Support. *** You can choose your own playlist. *** Press F2 to set the active image as Wallpaper. *** Amazing Slide Show and effects. *** Full install/uninstall support.


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