Rainbow IDE

IDEs and Coding Utilities


Go from source code to running in one click of the build button, for hundreds of vintage computer systems on your PC? Yes, Rainbow lets you test your ROM and floppy disk-based programs by emulating your built software. Rainbow IDE lets you design apps and games for most of the vintage computer systems by integrating seamlessly with the M.E.S.S. emulator system. Go from source code to running in one click - build floppy disks and ROMs that are mounted in your favorite emulated system out of hundreds. Mix and match assemblers for any source file in your project, add your own assemblers, and build massive programs in minutes what would normally take hours and headaches to assemble using other methods. Rainbow integrates with several virtual floppy disk management tools to let you send your objects to one or more disks in the same project. Create unlimited floppy disks for each project. An example would be a project that builds to 3 different floppy disks, one for each model of a certain vintage computer system that has hardware differences, etc. One click of the Go button could build these images in seconds and mount them in the emulator's disk drives ready to test. No other IDE gives you the experience that Rainbow does with the 'source to running' process. And, you'll see a complete summary of what's going on during the build with a full-size readout window. See each command being invoked along with dynamic parameters; get warnings and error messages telling you what might be wrong so you can make quick changes. See highlighted error lines and jump between them using buttons in the side panels. Also, Make quick changes using the side panels without ever leaving the main screen or looking through the menus!


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