HS Sockets C Source Library

C and C++ Tools and Components


HS Sockets is a C source code library for interfacing to network socket layer. HS Sockets runs on Windows desktop OS (XP,Vista,7), Windows Mobile OS and on Linux OS. HS Sockets is supplied with full C source code and binaries for these platforms HS Sockets optionally supports secure network sockets using OpenSSL library HS Sockets hides the complexity of low level socket api from user application, enabling the programmer to considerably reduce development time. HS Sockets operates in an asynchronous, non-blocking mode and support multiple TCP client and server connections and UDP sessions concurrently The use of HS Sockets C Source Library is Royalty Free. Features: * TCP and UDP sessions * Supports multiple sessions operating concurently * Supports multiple client and multiple server sessions concurrently * Asyncronous non-blocking operation * Source code for Windows, Windows Mobile and Linux OS * Optional support for secure sockets using OpenSSL * Hostname to IP address resolution * Retrieve local connection info: hostname, IP address, local port * Configurable socket read buffer size * Flow control: enable / disable reading from a socket * IP address 32 bit to string and vice versa conversion API Summary * HsSockInit * HsSockCleanUp * HsSockUdpOpen * HsSockTcpConnect * HsSockTcpListen * HsSockTcpSend * HsSockUdpSendto * HsSockClose * HsSockSetReadSize * HsSockSetReadEnabled * HsSockTcpSwitchToSecureMode * HsSockTcpCheckSecureHandshakeDone * HsSockTcpCheckPeerCertSimple * HsSockInetNtoa * HsSockInetAddr * HsSockGetDomain * HsSockGetHostIpByName * HsSockGetLocalAddress Support for SSL / TLS is implemented in HsSock library using OpenSSL toolkit. * This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit

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