HS SMS DLL (GSM 07.05)

Components and Libraries


HsSmsDLL is a Windows DLL enabling applications to send, receive, read and delete SMS messages via a GSM modem attached to COM port, according to GSM 07.05, 03.40. The library includes integrated encryption AES, DES, 3DES, ARC4, CAST128, Blowfish,Twofish optionally applied to SMS text. HsSmsDll is designed for use from Visual C / C++, VB (v6 and 2003), C# .NET and other programming languages. Professional License includes full C source code. SUPPORTED GSM / GPRS MODEMS and MODULES: Falcom SAMBA 75,Falcom SAMBA 55,Siemens MC35, Siemens TC35, Siemens TC65, Siemens TC45, Nokia 12, Novatel Merlin U630, Option PC Cards. Serial interface of the HS SMS DLL library supports COM ports from COM1 to COM32, speeds from 110 to 115200, selectable data, stop bits, parity and hardware flow control. HS SMS DLL Library allows to send SMS text in plain ASCII text format or "Binary to ASCII HEX" format where any binary data is converted to ASCII HEX representation, so that each binary byte is transmitted as 2 ASCII HEX bytes, the reverse decoding is done when message is received HS SMS DLL Library operates in a non-blocking asynchronous manner and the same core DLL supports interfacing to programs written using both old style native API (Visual C and VB ver 6, 2003) and .NET applications HsSmsDll library internally consists of upper interface layer, underlying core SMS module (HsSms) and encryption module (HsCipherSdkdll.dll). HsSms at the bottom layer interfaces to serial communications module HsCom. HsSmsDll library may be used from both non .NET and .NET applications. If used from C# .NET application, the interface is implemented via an additional C# wrapper DLL HsSmsDllCs.dll More information is available at: http://www.hillstone-software/hs_sms_dll_details.htm Technical and Commercial Queries: info@hillstone-software.com


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