E-XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition V9.0

C and C++ Tools and Components


E-XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition! The latest and the best Flow/Diagram source code kits from ucancode! "To date, the reliability and performance of the XD++ Library have been tested through many kinds of diagramming/flowchart- related software of ucancode customers around the World. The XD++ Library now used in over 40 countries!" E-XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition is the latest and the best flow/Diagram Source code kits from ucancode software,E-XD++ is designed to be modular, easy to use, easy to customize, and fast. Many of the classes and components in the library can be subclassed, providing developers the ability to extend and customize the library to meet their needs.it includes the all the features of XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition,and it also includes the following features: 1.Visio Like free rotating (Each or all the selection shapes with a rotating handle,you can use this control handle for rotating the shape now)! 2.For multiple selection shapes,they have 9 control points around them,you can use them to resize and rotate,you can also use Mouse and CTRL Key to change the main shape. 3.For single or multiple selection shapes you can mirror freely with two points,see below: 4.Snap lines and snap point are supported by E-XD++ Pro Edition now,see below: 5.Drawing Chord is supported by E-XD++,and it also includes a different action to create Arc and Pie shapes, see below: 6.Tons of new classes and over one hundred new API had been added within E-XD++. 7.New Skew action is added within E-XD++. 8 Improved canvas drawing,now it drawing much faster. 9.Over five extra anchor control handles,with these handles you can build more complex custom shape. 10.Drag and drop shapes to Microsoft Visio. 11.Drag and Drop shapes to toolbox. 12.Drag and Drop shapes between two editing files. 13.Support for CAD canvas and center drawing:

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