
Palm Pilot
Productivity and Business


Accepts formulas that include mixed arithmetic operators and parentheses, the calculator automatically applies true algebraic logic to calculate the result. Enter equations like 2+3*4 and CplxCal will evaluate this correcly with 14 and NOT 20. 10+15% will give 11.5 The calculator not only evaluates trig, log, exp. functions but it even evaluates complex numbers. # Double precision floating point. # Hexadecimal conversions. # Logical functions. # Rectangular and polar input / display. # Trigonometric operations in either degrees or radians. # Several scientific input / display formats. # Suffixes p,n,u,m,K,M,G input / display. # Griffiti and keyboard input. # Fully supported clipboard functions, copy, paste, etc. # Simple programming functionality. # Advanced math functions.


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