SpamAssassin for Windows

Email Tools
Anti-SPAM Tools


SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using a variety of mechanisms including text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, and collaborative filtering databases. SpamAssassin is a project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). SpamAssassin was adapted for Windows by JAM Software. In combination with a MTA (e.g. Hamster or MS Exchange) it's a very powerful anti-spam solution. The freeware contains, beside several modules, the following SpamAssassin components as executable files for Windows (.exe): - spamassassin.exe (mail filter) - spamd.exe (daemonized version of SpamAssassin) - WinSpamC.exe (client for spamd) - sa-update.exe (SpamAssassin rule updates) - sa-learn.exe (trains bayes filter with spam/ham mail)


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