Pocket SpamFilter

Email Tools
Anti-SPAM Tools


Pocket SpamFilter is the PPC 2002, WM 2003/SE/WM5/WM6 application that helps you keep your email account free of spam. Reduce your bandwidth usage by inspecting your email account before downloading. Features: - Support for unlimited number of POP3 email accounts - Download info only, headers, headers + lines or complete message body - Delete emails without downloading them - Delete emails by size - Powerful and simple filter creation - Filter on any part of message (supports string search, regular expression and wildcards) - Filter by friends/spammers emails or domains - Filter by senders country - Hundreds of predefined filters and blacklisted domains included We are proud to announce that Pocket SpamFilter has been nominated for PocketPC Magazine "Best software awards 2003", and finalist in "Best software awards 2004, 2005 and 2006" www.pocketpcsoft.com info@pocketpcsoft.com


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