Win Squared Problem Solver



Win² contains more than 600 tactics for selling ideas, creating agreement and influencing opinion. Win² takes motivations, interests, personality and levels of assertiveness into account to fashion the most persuasive approach possible. Using the fundamental principles of supply and demand to identify each party's strengths and weaknesses, Win² analyzes a wide variety of subjects - from personal disputes to business conflict. Win² will recommend an overall approach or target narrow issues such as time, information, impasse or ethics. You can obtain ideas in less than a minute or spend 30-45 minutes preparing a thorough plan. Win² also predicts the other party's responses to your tactics and recommends defenses to their tactics. Win² is an excellent tool for practicing your negotiation and persuasion technique. Unlike books and seminars, Win² analyzes the unique facts of your situation and provides expert advice where you are and when you need it. Whether you are selling products, services or ideas, Win² will help you find the most effective approach. Whether you believe in win-win, or just winning, Win² will help you find the most successful tactics.

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