
Stock and Portfolio Tools


What it does easy Stock Dater© is an application which automatically downloads single or multiple historical stock data files over the internet. You can download an unlimited amount of quotes. In one click easyStockDater© downloads, converts and passes the datas to your desired application at high speed It will also (automatically) convert the data to MetaStock™ format if desired. Free data downloads are supported from variouse sources from the internet. The data files are stored in various formats and can be imported to your favorite stock technical analysis software for processing. easyStockDater© supports the following data formats: Comma Separated Value (.csv) - MS Excel, Spreadsheets All combinations of ASCII Files - MS Excel, Spreadsheets ASCII for Metastock - OmniTrader, Deepinsight etc. Customer Requested Formats An easy User Interface, makes easyStockDater© easy to use for all


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