This clever dictionary (about 400 000 words/phrases) translates both ways (the Thai->English direction is the newest addition) and provides immediate back translations, too. Searching is made easy with Quick Search, Vector Ultima spell-checker and our signature MorphoFinder functions. Each dictionary entry is complete with part of speech information and multiple translations for all polysemantic words. <p> Virtually every element of this application has been improved - spell-checker interface, dictionary keyboard, fonts, word database, and the installation wizard. Also added is a Thai keyboard to facilitate easier typing, as well as high resolution support for superior readability. Efficient and effective, this dictionary is enjoyable at the same time! <p> Dictionary features: <br> Improved keyboards for both languages <br> High resolution support <br> Overview of all dictionary entries in the Main List <br> Overview of all possible translations of a selected word in the Translations List <br> Quick back translation for proof of correct understanding <br> Quick search function: as you start typing in the Input Line, entries starting with those letters are displayed <br> Switching between languages is easy: simply tap the pop-up trigger in the upper right corner and the direction of translation will change <br> MorphoFinder function helps to find English source words (headwords) for past participles, gerunds, plural forms <br> Spellchecker for both languages <p> SD/MMC standard support <br> Store applications and/or databases on an extension card (SD/MMC) <br> Run the application from the main memory or the extension card regardless of where the database is located.