Do you have a lot of eBooks (in PDF format) you want to share with your friends and family? Are you a professional PDF eBook writer and want to sell your PDF eBook from your website? Maybe you need a eBook thumbnails gallery for your online store? Then we have a perfect tool for you! A-PDF Thumbnailer provides a quick way to creating online PDF e-books thumbnail from multiple Acrobat PDF documents directly. It will let you create professional-looking web image galleries from PDF which can be published on the Web. A-PDF Thumbnailer also can create big images from PDF as well as tiny thumbnails. Why A-PDF Thumbnailer Very easy to use Create and upload professional PDF web thumbnails image gallery with a couple of mouse clicks! Even if you know nothing about the HTML, PDF and image processing - the result will be outstanding! Simply choose your PDF(s) and let A-PDF Thumbnailer do the rest of the job for you! User friendly Wizard-style interface makes Instant Gallery Maker manageable even for those who don't understand HTML and CSS. Customizable If you have some knowledge of HTML and CSS, you can customize your pages in absolutely any way creating your own templates. Powerful You can customizable thumbnail shades and borders; Adjustable thumbnail distance; thumbnails can open perform any action. Save Your Money A-PDF Thumbnailer is a standalone program costing only $27. It does NOT require Adobe Acrobat Pro, which costs hundreds of dollars.