Travel form builder in title

Calendar Builder

RKS Software

Use Calendar Builder to quickly and easily make your own custom calendars. Add borders, banners, graphics, and icons Save your calendar as a Windows...

CoffeeCup Form Builder

CoffeeCup Software

CoffeeCup Form Builder is a drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable Web Forms you have ever seen. Add Input Boxes, Text Areas...

CoffeeCup Web Form Builder

CoffeeCup Software

Web forms are an essential part of the Internet. But if you want to build one from scratch, you need to know HTML, CSS, PHP, OMG, and databases...

A small component with one but great benefit: It allows you to write context sensitive popup help in place, in design time, without bothers with the...

Form1 Builder


Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build any web form. It applies the base Form1 structure to provide a single file form...

Travel form builder in description

Learn To Speak Italian V2.7 is specially developed for people who are learning a new language. It includes 420 scenes of common conversation and 742...

Organize your writing projects, from manuscripts, to characters to overdue submissions-ideal for novels, works of nonfiction, short stories and...

FastSender is a Powerful yet very easy to use PHP mailing list manager that helps you sending professional looking emails or newsletters to lists of...


Softilium Development Group

The SVA (Software Vendor Assistant) is a powerful workdesk tool for shareware/freeware creators or vendors. It has many capabilities such as:...

CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder

CoffeeCup Software

CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder is a drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable Web Forms you have ever seen. Add Input Boxes, Text Areas,...

Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build secure web forms. It provides a single file form (no cgi) with a hidden email...


ArianeSoft Inc.

PPL is a fast and easy-to-learn programming language that is fully object-oriented. PPL runs on all PocketPCs using Windows Mobile 2000, 2002, 2003...


e-Centric, Inc

Formulator.NET is a robust Form Builder that enables you to create a wide range of forms on-the-fly for Internet and Intranet websites. Create Web...

tmWorks R-View

tmWorks Dev Team

tmWorks R-View is a full featured web based database administration and database driven application building tool for the JDBC enabled...

With Form1 Builder GoldMine you can automatically use GoldMine's WebImport function to add form submission data directly to your GoldMine...


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