Form1 Builder

Web Authoring
Automated Web Publishing Tools


Form1 Builder runs in your web browser and allows you to easily build any web form. It applies the base Form1 structure to provide a single file form (no cgi) with a hidden email delivery address and an extensive range of benefits and options. User friendly click and build interface for form code generation. Capacity to develop basic to complex forms. Quick Form option to generate a form with a couple of clicks. Designer Form click and add function so you can include any form fields you require. Ability to use an Existing Form as the form base. Full form customization directly in the Form Code text area or any text editor. Form Code which can be simply pasted to existing web forms. An Auto Responder feature to automatically send the form user an email on form submission. Automatically include User Cookie values in form submission. Automatically include User Variables i.e browser and server information in form submission. Processing code detects Required Form Variables and provides prompts for users. Integrate your own pages for display or use default messages for form user prompts and messages. Includes Email validity checks. Predefined field structures identify input variables including User Name, Email and Subject. Capacity to include an Email CC check box to send a copy of the form to the form user. Processes all form fields automatically. Field name protocols allow you to define delivered fields for the form delivery email. All of this in a single file form. To run the generated form code your server must support the php scripting language. Most commercial web servers support php.


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