Refer in title

A program, that contains a Periodical Table of Elements with many very good features: you can get nearly all the information on each element, even...

Reference book

SV-Software Ltd.

Contains advanced converter of length, area, volume, mass, time, temperature, energy, power, force, memory, pressure, acceleration, twisting moment...

Reference for Teachers helps teachers write studentreferences by allowing them to select from up to ten variants of up to ten sentences which are...

# Russian verbs paired by both Perfective and Imperfective forms. # Russian verbs are fully conjugated in the past, present, future, and imperative...

The J&L Genealogy Reference is an easy to use tool to save and organize your genealogy research data. Store all the important data in one place....

Refer in description

Incentives Script is a way for an ordinary person to start up a referral based incentive site, such as or Work With...


SoftBalance Inc.

UniDoc will make your paperwork routine go away. As the name implies, UniDoc or Universal Document lets you create, print and archive documents or...


Daniel Cohenca

Bibliography 1.0 will allow you to: Organize books, papers, articles, theses and other references. - Link the references to your projects, theses...


Milenix Software Ltd.

MyInfo is a personal-reference information manager. It helps you collect, organize, edit, store, and later find personal-reference information like...

Fake referrals

Maksym Nesen

Why do you need Fake Referrals? Have you ever seen sites with 'last 10 referrers' area? Just go to Yahoo! and input this query string...



RefNavigator is a professional bibliography tool for researchers, scholars and students. It is designed to search scientific references from Internet...

AimingClick gives you a quick online reference, translation, explanation for a word you highlight in any Windows application. AimingClick is a...

APA Referencing Macros

Southern Ocean Software

APA Referencing Macros are Microsoft Word macros that will automate the referencing of papers written to conform to the Style as set out in the...


Armstrongs Systems House, Inc

CleanReg is a housekeeping tool used to find and remove invalid file references from the Windows ® Registry. It is fast and thorough. CleanReg3...

Being a respected professional referee is a hard job. You must know the rules of specific sports to the last point, be always at the right place at...

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