Rapidshare mature in title

Rapidshare Search Tool is an unique desktop software which enable you to search Share links on the Web with minimal effort. You can easily search for...

Rapidshare mature in description

Lovers Ecstasy

Thomas Lake

A romantic activity game for anyone wanting to enhance or put that spark back into your love life. There are over 1,000 pleasures included in the...

Virtual Rock

Around Midnight

A toy, a 'virtual pet', As the owner, you must feed, look after, play games with, and generally take care for your rock. If constant care...

Quatro, The Word Wizards

Future trend Enterprise

A word game for one or two players.words as possible from a grid of letters. The game the difficult levels can be pre-set in various combinations. A...

TeeChart Office

David Berneda

TeeChart-Office is a free charting and plotting tool intended for both the end-user and the developer. Behind the scenes, TeeChartOffice uses the...

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 10, the world's fastest and most popular Download Manager and Accelerator, has been installed over 300 million...


Zephyr Software Ltd

PASSPORT PC TO HOST is a powerful Windows-based terminal emulation suite designed specifically for TCP/IP communication to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and...


Bob Jones

AuctionSleuth searching is based on the premise that there are really only two ways to win an auction at the right price. * Be there as the first...


Oscar Franzén

WiRC is one of the youngest IRC clients, it has been under development for quite some time. It has matured considerably and is today very stable and...

AddWeb WebSite Promoter

Cyberspace HQ

The most full-featured and mature website promotion tool available. Features include: Submit your website to thousands of search engines and...

RSM used by most Software firms from Sun to Microsoft in 33 Countries on over 30 States of the US. Matured by it's 6 years of use, RSM provides...


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