Jquery read write xls on web in title

SpeakIt! Allows Any Web Page to be read and spoken using 3D Characters you can also create your own presentations in your own web pages and best of...

Web Resume Writer

Eon Communications

The Internet has revolutionized communication, nowharness this power for your job hunting. Web ResumeWriter is a powerful resume creation application...

New Web On Windows control allows you to embed the IE ActiveX control and receive mouse click events back in your code, enabling you use HTML pages...

Active Web Reader


Active Web Reader is a FREE web feed reader (aggregator). Supports RSS feed formats 0.9x, 1.x and 2.x. Best free reader available. Live update...

Easy PDF Read Write Library is a powerful PDF SDK - including over hundreds PDF create, edit, render and manipulate functions for use with Delphi, C...

Jquery read write xls on web in description

WBS Document Depot is an easy and powerful web-based tool to store and share files and folders online. It allows you to upload and store any kind of...


StepWare, Inc.

Productivity/EducationProductivity/Education Self-Improvement Reading Software. Speed Reading Software. Read faster while on your computer by reading in Rapid Serial...

Abe Lingo Vocabulary Studio (ALVS) is a very special vocabulary builder application. What makes it unique is the way it handles words in your...



OVERVIEW Have you ever forgotten your online passwords? Are you tired of entering username and password for EVERY password protected website...

RapidDriver Explorer

EnTech Taiwan

RapidDriver Explorer is intelligent tool for PC hardware analysis and debugging. RapidDriver Explorer allows you to start work with hardware after a...

Match n Freq

Optimal Designs Enterprise

Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function, H(s), for a matched filter. H(s) equals a -desired- signal...

Stock Explorer

Boris Zinchenko

Stock Explorer® is the ultimate one stop solution to organize and easily maintain financial data such as stock quotes, sales statistics and any...

TextAloud MP3


TextAloud reads text from email, web pages, reports and more, aloud on your PC. TextAloud can also save your daily reading to MP3 or Windows Media...



Frequently reading Web page news definitely does harm to your eyes and neck. Protect your eyes and your neck now. Let your ears instead of your eyes...

Password Director

LastBit Software

Password Director provides a safe and secure way to keep all your passwords and sensitive records (such as PINs, private phone numbers and so forth)...


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