3ds max titles wrong in title

3D MiniGolf Unlimited

Jean-Michel Martin de Santero

The Minigolf, an immensely popular game for one or two players, is a clever combination of luck and fun game that brings you hours of game on many...

Paraben's 3D Charter

Paraben Corporation

Make sense of large volumes of data by creating 3D virtual reality charts. Create scenes and allow users to modify the view to create an interactive...

Cuckoo Clock 3D is a wonderfully crafted deep forest fantasy, that recreates a scene from a fairytale right on your Windows desktop. When you give...

HTML Email Merge, Text Email Merge, Merged Word DOC attachment (w/auto generated cover email) merge, Fax Merge and Mail Merge ACT! Add-on. Perform...

ChiefSymbols 3D Symbols Bonus Library

Cardiff Consultants, Limited

ChiefSymbols™ are 3D symbol libraries for ART's 'Chief Architect' CAD software. This is a Bonus library to introduce users to...

3ds max titles wrong in description

Are you tired of copy/paste operations? Is the PC the only way to make spreadsheet graphics? PDAGraphiX2 does it for you. New features Scatter...

The Cerberus Incident


series"LOST"The Cerberus Incident is not affiliated with the television series"LOST" Any similarity is purely unintentional. That being said, ... you...

Are you tired of copy/paste operations? Is the PC the only way to make spreadsheet graphics? PDAGraphiX does it for you. Main Features The...


Pete Pinter

SpaceTime is a popular OpenGL 3D graphics Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client widely available since 1998, now available with complete source...

BS Contact

Bitmanagement Software GmbH

3D software for visualization of 3D models in VRML, X3D and Collada BS Contact 7.2 enables the visualization of applications in Virtual Reality and...

Free Keylogger King

Keylogger King Software

Information...pricelesInformation...priceles Modern programs do their best to protect you from data loss. Text editors create backup copies of documents, web browsers...

AdditionalapplicationsMorfit introduces: A new 3D shooter. Additionalapplications WorldBuilder III.V, 3D Engine SDK 3.0for VC++, VB, Delphi, BC++, BCB; Converters from...

A Bio-Technology experiment has gone terribly wrong,and the island on which it was conducted is now ruledby killer wasps. Defend yourself from the...

3D GIF Designer

PY Software, Inc.

3D GIF Designer produces animated high-quality 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or for a presentation. You can create...

ADG 3-D Exporter

Albatross Design Group, Inc.

Design interactive, realistic 3D multimedia or business presentations & interactive online multi-user games for the Web using a powerful set of...


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