
Web Authoring
Misc Web Authoring Tools


WebSynchronizer is a universal utility for synchronization directories, no matter where they are located - on the same computer, different network computers or remote servers.<br> WebSynchronizer features:<br> Ease of use. The intuitive user-friendly interface makes the work with WebSynchronizer easy and comfortable. You do not need to learn how to configure the program, default settings are optimal in most cases.<br> High speed. WebSynchronizer achieves extremely high speed uploading and downloading a few files simultaneously.<br> Resumption of interrupted synchronization. If connection was suddenly broken during synchronization, WebSynchronizer will continue synchronization from the place where it was cut off.<br> Safety. WebSynchronizer transfers files with false names and renames them when the transfer is complete. It prevents content of the files from damaging if connection to the server is suddenly broken.<br> Synchronization of remote computers. WebSynchronizer allows to synchronize files on two remote servers.<br> Time zones detection. WebSynchronizer automatically calculates a time difference between two computers and considers this difference comparing files.<br> Multiuser synchronization. WebSynchronizer blocks files being synchronized to protect them from changing by another user.<br> "Read only" synchronization allows to replicate directories protected from writing.<br> Log of synchronization. If an error occurred WebSynchronizer informs you what exactly happened.<br> File Associations allow to associate some actions or parameters with files by mask of the file.<br> Scheduler allows to automate some repetitive tasks, e.g. automatically start synchronization at the specified time, or shut down the computer after finishing all tasks.<br> WebSynchronizer is the ideal solution for:<br> - updating content of a webserver<br> - creating backup archive<br> - keeping site mirrors up to date<br> - working with the same data from home and office

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