
Web Authoring
HTML Color Pickers


V-Colorer - a simple and very convenient program which has been widely recognized by design community in CIS. With V-Colorer, creating of harmonious color schemes has never been so easy! Make color work for you and keep your visitors coming back to your site and enjoy your colors. Let the V-Colorer help you create color schemes that work, skipping a number of guessing hours usually spent by web designers. Not everyone has an eye for color, but everybody can make great colourful web sites with V-Colorer The features - Accepts HEX, RGB & HLS values - Easy access to HEX, RGB & HLS values for any color - Keep the program on top of other applications - Choose colors from anywhere on the screen - Choose colors from 216-color web safe palette - Visual mapping of the nearest color box - Use sliders and/or numbers to modify RGB & HLS values - Lighten/Darken a selected color - Change saturation of a color - Change hue of a color - Easily copy HEX values to the clipboard (right-button click of your mouse) - Auto copy HEX values to the clipboard (optional) - Make colors web-safe - History of edited colors - Save last edited color & background color values - Swap background and edited colors - Easily find analogies, triads & complements


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