KyoSoft Link Checker

Web Authoring
HTML and Link Verification Tools


KyoSoft Link Checker is an essential utility for anybody wishing to validate internal and external links within Internet sites and individual web pages. Results are presented in an easily understood table format with full information available for each link. Users can decide which links to show or hide in the results table, such as to only show missing links or else to hide all image and e-mail links. Results from each session may be saved to file and reloaded at a later time. In addition, results can be saved in HTML format and viewed in your browser using fully configurable report templates that allow you to decide what data is shown and how it is presented. KyoSoft Link Checker may be used free of charge for 30 days, during which an Unregistered message will occasionally appear on screen. If you wish to use KyoSoft Link Checker for more than 30 days then you must register this software. NOTE: The current version of KyoSoft Link Checker (v2.0) has been tested on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 systems prior to release.

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