Color Khablashooqator Pro

Web Authoring
Automated Web Publishing Tools


Currently, the best HTML-text-color-slides generator available, from Zzzblaware. Very intuitive and very easy to use. Both color selection, and applying it to the text are very easy to understand. Zzzbla's Color Khablashooqator Pro was designed to handle much more than just a line - You choose where to start and end the slide, and how to continue it. The Khablashooqator can either save your files as HTML or directly to the clipboard so you'll paste the HTML code to your favourate HTML editor. The Khablashooqator can also handle color scripts and you can save your work in a special Khablashooqator format so it'll be easier to continue working on it later. For more information, simply d/l it and read the attached documents.

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