Quick Backup

Backup and Copy Utilities


Quick Backup is a quick and easy online backup service for small business. Sign up for our free 14 day trial and install our software. It is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista. You can install and use it on multiple computers. Sign up for our free 14 day trial and install our software. It is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista. You can install and use it on multiple computers. Run the software, browse through your computer and select which documents you'd like to keep safe. You can backup any files you like, including emails, accounting files, word documents and even network drives. Select when to run your daily online backup and it will automatically begin backing up each day for you. The software will transfer your files over the Internet to our secure servers. You can change or add files to be backed up at any time and if needed, restore files by downloading them instantly. Our Quick Support Team will watch over your backups each day to ensure they are running correctly. If there are any problems, we will contact you and and help you through the process.


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