How to reset forgotten password of outlook multiple accounts! Outlook express password recovery utility provides solution for retrieving forgotten email and newsgroup accounts passwords. MS office outlook password recovery utility unmasks masked outlook passwords and shows logins and server information of all multiple e-mails and newsgroup accounts. Outlook express password recovery program works easily with windows 98, NT, 2000 (Professional, Server, Advance Server), XP, 2003, Vista (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate) operating system. Software is capable of retrieving password of any complexity and languages. Microsoft outlook express and MS office outlook password recovery utility is best solution for “how to recover lost outlook password”. MS outlook package password recovery application retrieves invisible passwords (hidden behind asterisk) from all that outlook configured email accounts like Rediffmail, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Zapak etc. Free lost password recovery tool capable to restore password masked by asterisks (****) characters and instantly shows password written in other special characters. Email password recovery software supports all versions of MS outlook express (5.0, 6.0, 7.0) and Microsoft Office (2003, 2007) Outlook. Software provides interactive user friendly graphical environment to work easily without requirement of much technical knowledge. Outlook email password recovery having inbuilt user help manual describing password recovery process from outlook and outlook express. Software provides support to those persons who cannot remember multiple accounts passwords. Features: * Recover any language, complexity and length passwords. * Provide support to recover passwords, logins and server names of outlook multiple accounts. * Effectively works with various windows operating system like 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista.