Move and Click

Mouse and Keyboard Utilities


Small utility which can move mouse & click on desired positions of screen. This can be used when you require certain tasks to be automated e.g. recording mouse clicks on certain positions on screen and play those at latertime, preventing your computer to go in sleep mode or prevent starting your screen saver etc. Features: Moves and clicks mouse on the screen at time interval provided by user or at random intervals. Constantly displays mouse position in pixels. Now supports Left, Right or Double Clicks. Now supports 64 KB of data that amounts to more than 5000 positions if wait interval is omittied if wait interval is specified can set more than 3000 positions. Now different files can be saved for later use. Positions can be looped. You can specify mouse positions manually or with the help of inbuilt wizard. Can be set to autostart if mouse not moved for desired interval from 1 to 999 seconds. Can be set to autostop if anykey pressed. Full online help provided.

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