Lotus Notes to doc Word

File Cataloging Utilities


We provide you a great opportunity for Lotus Notes Export to PDF File. You can easily convert your NSF emails into PDF using Lotus Export to PDF tool. Notes Export to PDF utility can simply and quickly transfer NSF emails into PDF without any difficulty. Lotus Notes to PDF software can convert single and multiple NSF mails to PDF at a time. Software maintains similar name folder structure with all of its properties (to, cc, bcc, sent, receive date and times) and attachments while saving Lotus Notes emails as PDF file to Local machine. Lotus Notes to PDF conversion utility allows users a choice of converting all the Lotus Notes email folders to PDF or exporting only some selected Lotus Notes email folders to PDF. In short, it is a comprehensive and complete solution for NSF to PDF. Demo version can allows you to preview of converted 10 emails from any folder (Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Drafts and others) of Lotus Notes in PDF format. It cannot provide you the option to save all the converted mails. So please keep in your mind that if you want to convert NSF to PDF and want to save all the converted mails then you have to buy FULL licensed version of our software by just paying Dollar 249. Lotus Notes emails to PDF software supports the conversion of NSF emails from Lotus Notes v8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5 and 5.0. Follow more info: - http://www.systoolsgroup.com/lotus-notes-to-word.html

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