Inaccessible OST Recovery solution is such corrupt OST PST package which well free OST Recovery Software which becomes easier said than done to get to due to virus attacks, exchange server crashes, accidental deletions and database corruptions. Easily save the recovered emails in the file format of your preference. OST recovery utility allows you to restore OST emails and save the recovered emails in .pst, .msg and .eml file format. All your data lose and data inaccessibility problems will be solved instantly as you click the purchase button for the software. OST Recovery software support from OST to PST that are created with Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 and 98 and Windows versions such as 98, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista and Windows 7 & Windows 8. Inaccessible OST Recovery software get the full licensed version only $99.