
Access Control Utilities


DiskAlarm allows you to view and to be alerted of temperature of your hard drive in real time. Sounds and visual alarms are activated if the temperature exceeds the programmed value. Temperatures are displayed in Celsius and Fahrenheit. With the "System Tray" option, balloon tips appear in the taskbar tray. The "Options" button opens DiskAlarm options: run at Windows startup; show alert messages when an application is in full screen mode; shows a button to stop or resume the alarm; load or open a sound file for the alarm; when alarm, Windows can go to sleep mode or you can run an application; few options for the graph are also available. Settings are automatically saved to a text file. A log file informs you of most of the DiskAlarm events (start time, temperature, alarm, resuming from sleep...). A graph allows you easily view changes in temperature for the selected hard drive. This program works with all version of Windows. If your system is Windows XP or older, it requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.

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