
Shell and Desktop
Desktop Window Managers


To many windows on your desktop? Every day you need to run number of applications on your computer. Some of them take up space on your screen and taskbar even though they are seldom used. You would like to hide these applications somewhere in the background but in the same time keep them running and ready for instant use. TransparentWindows will do it for you. You need some privacy? You need to do some private stuff (write an e-mail, check an account, browse some website) and don't want to be bothered by your boss or the interfering collegue? TransparentWindows will keep your private stuff hidden. Want to switch fast beetwen tasks? You need to jump between two different windows very often. You would like to use a single key stroke to bring the selected window to the front and then send it back to the background and return to the application you stared from? TransparentWindows let you do it.

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