
Shell and Desktop
Desktop Toolbars and Launchers


A program launch bar. I know you are thinking there are alot of them out there and you probably already have one installed on your computer. I am telling you that this one is different. You can put it where you want it. You can choose to have it auto-hide, stay on top, display small icons, and auto-detect. What is auto-detect? That is one of the things that makes this program different. I remember all the time I spent adding programs (buttons) to other launch bars and thetime I spent getting them in a certain order. With MagicBars I don't have to spend all that time setting it up. I just run a program and as long as I have auto-detect activated it is added to MagicBar automatically. Another way to add programs (icons) to MagicBar is to drag and drop from the Windows Explorer.

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