ProfileSharp Developer Edition

Misc Programming Tools


ProfileSharp Developer Edition (previously called 'Student Edition'), is a free version of the software that provides source-code line level profiling for .NET desktop applications and exhaustive memory and performance insights to your .NET desktop applications. Profile your .NET code for memory leaks and performance bottlenecks. Using ProfileSharp, within minutes you will statistically find out not just methods but also the exact lines of code in your .NET desktop application that are taking time to execute and which objects allocated by your application are leaking. No need for Recompilation or Code-Modification. Profile .NET windows desktop applications, ASP.NET Web Services , COM+ services, dllhosts,.NET windows services and 3rd party components built in .NET all alike. A must for every .NET programmer,Tester,Software Designer.Download now! The Enterprise version coming soon.Visit the SoftProdigy's official website '' for detailed information about ProfileSharp


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