FastReport CLX

C and C Tools and Components


Added: - compatibility with FastReport 2.5 VCL - Bitmaps export BMP - advanced HTML export - TfrReport properties: ReportComment, ReportName, ReportAutor, ReportDate, ReportLastChange, ReportPasswordProtected, ReportPassword, Advanced ReportVersion (major, minor, release, build) - Global script variables ReportComment, ReportName, ReportAutor, ReportDate, ReportLastChange, ReportPasswordProtected, ReportPassword, Advanced ReportVersion (major, minor, release, build) - Save to FR3.0 Xml format optional in Designer - Prepared page run-time modification - FieldIsNull function in script FastReport CLX edition is the first powerful cross-platform report generator for Delphi and Kylix. Using FastReport CLX edition, you can create highly efficient cross-platform reports for Windows and Linux with a minimum of manual coding. FastReport's development environment includes a Visual Report Designer, Visual Dialog Designer, Object Inspector, and Component Palette. You can develop cross-platform reports with cross-platform 32-bit applications that run on both the Linux and Windows operating systems. You can open any .frf files made with previous versions of FastReport VCL in FastReport CLX.

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