WorkTime Internet Monitoring

Network and Internet
Misc Networking Tools


WorkTime - Internet monitoring software for companies, home offices, professionals and home users. Automatically monitor Internet related activities by the users: browsing web-sites, chatting, reading and writing emails. Monitor time spent on each activity. Monitor internet usage on company's computers, laptops, on your home computer or under Terminal Server, Citrix Server. Companies - Monitor Internet related activities invisibly to the employees. Automatically generate scheduled reports. Find-out the most used Internet resources, employees, spending too much time browsing the Internet, chatting. Discover negative trends that affect productivity in the company. Home offices, professionals, self-employed, contractors, remote employees - Analyze Internet usage. Keep yourself on track. Generate exact reports, prove your work. Bill your clients for the job. Home users - Monitor Internet usage on your home computer. Monitor your computer invisibly. Generate reports and analyze Internet usage.

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