Window Shades

Network and Internet
Web Browsers


Window Shades in an Internet Explorer plug-in that filters pop-up windows on an all or nothing basis or by user defined site lists. Features included: Filter all pop up windows. Filter on a per domain / site basis. Custom shortcut keys to easily turn Window Shades On and Off. Keyboard shortcuts for frequently used options. Launches and closes automatically with Internet Explorer. No need to have extra monitoring software loading when your computer starts. Optional Prompt Dialog for each pop up window (used to build domain filters). Tray icon to easily access options. Tray icon also gives visual cue when a window tries to open. Ability to hide tray icon. Don't need to clutter up system tray. Allows you to shift-click a link or right click and select "Open in New Window". Other pop-up filters don't allow you to explicitly open new windows. Help file that explains all included features of Window Shades. Completely free to use and ad free.

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