
Multimedia and Graphics
Graphics Editors


Quick and easy image editing promises you the multi-talented Picmaster. Functions range from simple scanning, using filters, putting images into catalogs to huge-poster-prints, video image capturing, web cams, slide show presenting and 3D Anaglyph pictures. Thousands of Photoshop filter plugins from the Internet can be included in Picmaster. You can record sound comments to the pictures which gives your real multimedia feelings combined with the slide show. Create real 3D-Images which you can see with mirrors or red-green glasses. Print out your own glasses with Picmaster. An image browser in Explorer-style shows you all images as a preview where you can set different sorting options. The web cam images can be uploaded into the Internet via FTP, HTTP or Email. The system also reacts on movements so it turns into an alarm system. All commands can also be entered, saved and played at a command prompt so that repeated operations can be automated. And with the possibility of previewing all operations Picmaster becomes a very comfortable program for you.

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