Small, fast and powerful application for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000. Full Screen Preview. Stretching Image. Thumbnails view. Slide Show (MovieLoop) : Normal or Smooth Transition - This could be used for presentations. Drag & Drop File Support File Types Association Image modifications (Filters): Convert colors, Resize, Rotate, Blur, Find Edges. Accepts Plugins with Filters (there's SDK for C++Builder and Delphi). Instances control. Print Stretching Image. Get files directly from HTTP server using URL. Dockable File List. *Thumbnails HTML creation - needs HTMLDirCreate to create thumbnails HTML. The accepted image formats are : bmp, bw, cel, cut, dib, eps, fax, gif, icb, jfif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, pbm, pcd, pdd, pgm pic, png, ppm, psd, psp, rgb, rgba, rla, rle, rpf, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, vda, vst, win.