Animated Chart Pro - Flash Chart Software

Multimedia and Graphics
Video and Animation Tools


Animated Chart 2.1 Pro Edition is a "do-it-yourself" Flash chart tool that helps web designers to publish graphs and charts in Flash to their websites. Dynamic Flash Chart with animation effects for every flash chart element. The program does not require any knowledge of Flash or HTML and can be a powerful marketing tool that helps to convert visitors into buyers. This is how Animated Chart works. In order to add a flash chart to a website, there are three simple steps. First, a webmaster selects a chart type that fits his or her website best: Bar, Area, Column, Bubble, Stock etc. Second, the data source file is selected (Animated Chart 2.1 Pro Edition supports external data files for dynamic charts with live data). The final step is customizing and animation your flash chart. Click any element and select an attractive transition effect: Appear, Grow, Fall, NeonAppear, Slide, Gather, Swing, Rotate. After all three steps are completed, program users can choose to export the results as a SWF file or an image file, a HTML file or a projector file, a piece of HTML-code saved to clipboard. There are plenty of bright chart samples at the web site For a limited time, free trial version of Animated Chart (Standard edition) is available at for evaluation. The price of registering Animated Chart 2.1 Pro Edition is 69 US Dollars/Euros for a single license. System Requirements: Macromedia Flash Player

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