Unit Mate

Information Management
Information Reference Databases


Customizable unit Converter that Converts easily between many kinds of measurement units such as Temperature, Length , Velocity, Mass, Area , Acceleration, Force, Volume, Pressure , Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles, Number Systems , Time and much more , User can select which units to be visible , User can add or remove user-defined custom units , choose the required display format and specify the number of decimal places , Powerful foreign currency exchange rates calculator that converts multiple currencies simultaneously. using the latest rates updated from our website instantly , Powerful Mathematical Calculator that calculates mathematical, algebraic and trigonometric functions with its built-in scientific expressions calculator , Powerful scientific formula calculator that calculates the result of your complex formula which is combined of the built-in scientific expressions, the Editor can save these Formulas for later use , Alphabetically sorted lists of Physical Constants , Alphabetically sorted lists of Chemical Elements with information on : atomic number ,weight ,density , boiling temperature, melting temperature and a brief description about the element


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